Online Mediation

There are many advantages to online mediation.


MediationWorks runs a full suite of virtual rooms, which enable everyone to come together or join break-out rooms for private and confidential discussion.  


Mediating online means that all the participants can join without the time, expense and hassle of travel.  


Mediating online makes good sense when participants are physically remote.  Even participants and their advisors can join from their own separate homes or places of work.


Sometimes, participants in a mediation do not want to be physically in the same space or room as others.  Our online technology can lift the emotional burden.


Transfer between the rooms is run by the mediator, enabling complete privacy and confidentiality.  The mediator is also able to control the online environment, making it easier for everyone to participate equally, particularly when everyone is together.


If necessary, documents and diagrams can be presented or shared on screen.


Participants can communicate with their advisors throughout using the chat facility.





It is recommended that you participate from a quiet and undisturbed place with good internet/wifi and that you ensure your laptop/tablet/phone is fully powered.


Often, a headset guarantees best sound and avoids a feedback echo, where the sound from your speakers is re-broadcast through your microphone.

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